Well! It's been a long while... haha! As if I'm waking up from a loooonng slumber... Not quite! Family life has kept me busy, and now that things are finally settling down, I can post an update.
I've picked up my knitting needles once again, and for my unfinished projects, one is about 50% done, still didn't continue my son's blanket, and I've begun a third one, for one of my cousins awating a baby. I've also decided to buy a gift, to me from me, needles from knit picks! Can't wait to receive them and try them out! There'll be more to come for sure! Hehe. Oh, after my first projects are done, I've also decided to try and sell some of my creations for a little extra pocket money... We'll see how it goes.
My son is now 13 months old, and he's about to start walking on his own. He can stand up on his two legs without falling for a little while, but he still didn't take his first step yet. Not sure I want this day to come... he's already a little monster!! He learned a sign from baby sign language (milk), and knows "mama" and "daddy" in french... Thats a start!
My little girl is getting better in drawing although I still can't make her hold a pencil properly... hopefully soon! She got her first bike for her birthday, if we can finally have some warm sunny days we'll be able to go outside for her first ride... especially, learning how to use the pedals! We're working hard on her words, she may be a little behind, but I'll have answers for that soon... hopefully.
As for me, my tattoo has begun! Most of the lines are done, but the colors will take a little longer... I can't wait to continue this project!
Right now, I'm happy with how things are going, except that I regret not moving out this year... I can't wait to find a new appartment. We're so cramped in here, it's too small now with a baby and a toddler!
Well that's it... Gotta go now, I got my lil kitten stirring up trouble again!
Till next time, Kirsha.